Final work week?!?

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So this is my promotional video, which at first I really struggled with at first but when I was in the zone and had a variety of different ideas to add, I eventually made a complete promo video!

When researching different promo videos they all seemed so simple and flowed so much but I do not have amazing experience with after effects to do crazy stuff so needed to find and think of simple parts to include and try and challenge myself. I felt in the end I did actually challenge and learn a lot with both after effects and muse, I have never used muse but it is so much better than dreamweaver with the coding.

Screen Shot 2016-04-12 at 21.12.28 Screen Shot 2016-04-12 at 21.14.25This is only 2 pages of my website but you can click the link to see the full website which also includes the promo video.

I previously just said how I felt like I have learnt an awful lot with the software as before I had not a clue about it. Its easier to use for a designer person point of view, to be able to just place an image and not have to code a thousand different things just to get it on the right side so that half is great. Researching ideas for a website to appeal towards parents who will be the main target audience for the app is sightly harder.

Some websites I found and thought were useful for me to help understand what my target audience would be interested in.

Websites that gave me inspiration….



Safety with social media! 


Promotional Video

So I no that I have left the video a little late but I was not sure what route to take with it, like whether to do a typography video or have someone actually sat in a seat like an interview or lastly to just have an animated video with the mockups of the app within it.

I think I have decided to use my script and get my friend to read it, add some up beat music behind it all and have the mockups and animation go with the script.

Part of my script is “Technology is stopping the bond between parents and children in today’s society” for this part I was thinking of having an animation of parents and children hands separating slowly to show the bond is escaping away from each other.


Did you know that almost 73% of the adults used their phone at least once, during a meal with their children?

Technology is stopping the bond between parents and children in today’s society.

But lets make a change; “Story of my life” is an app, which can help prevent loosing the bond with children.

The app allows parents and careers to post pictures, videos, notes and quotes the child has done each day, consenting the parent to bond and have the chance for children to grow and have a memory of their life on a calendar.

TO ADD A LAST LINE….visit for more information about security within the app and to sign up today.

Website shizniz!!

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I had not been on my website in a while because I knew that I had done the basic parts which I wanted to get done. So when I went back on to it I fixed a few areas such as the slideshow which is shown on the first page. I was trying to work out a long enough length of time to have each image on the screen for, some images had words on so I needed to have it so people had enough time to read it and not get bored of it and still be interested in the app.


I had already done the sign up page and the rest of the pages, the only thing I had left to do was complete my video and add it to the page so it can be watched.

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For my survey, I feel like I will get decent feedback due to the fact that I have 20 different males and females who are parents or careers.

I messaged people on a social network and picked people who would fit my targeted audience, I did not want to share it so anyone could do it because I would not get specific feedback from my audience which will help me improve the app.