Proposal Research?

Currently in my workshop and realising after the lecture on Monday that next week I need to hand in my proposal idea of my next piece of work. Slightly worried as I felt after my presentation feedback that my idea last semester was not particularly great so now I need to think of something amazing.

So I decided to look at some go green ideas, Ive seen before on youtube and many of websites on the internet an idea that a 19 year old boy thought about cleaning up the sea, but I also saw something similar but instead of it taking up a huge area of the ocean the other idea was a sea bin which collects all the rubbish. I found both videos very inspiring and felt like I wanted to take the “Go Green” route.

I also remember seeing a few years ago a project which was taking place and was interested me, a shoe which grows when you grow. This is primarily aimed at children but can help a huge majority of the population who suffer with money and live with no shoes. It mentions how children at a young age grow very quickly, which means that shoes one minute will fit but the next thing they will have grown out of them.

Taking in to count that all of these are such amazing ideas, I want to create an idea that will benefit a wide range of people and audience in many different places in the world.



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