Final work week?!?

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So this is my promotional video, which at first I really struggled with at first but when I was in the zone and had a variety of different ideas to add, I eventually made a complete promo video!

When researching different promo videos they all seemed so simple and flowed so much but I do not have amazing experience with after effects to do crazy stuff so needed to find and think of simple parts to include and try and challenge myself. I felt in the end I did actually challenge and learn a lot with both after effects and muse, I have never used muse but it is so much better than dreamweaver with the coding.

Screen Shot 2016-04-12 at 21.12.28 Screen Shot 2016-04-12 at 21.14.25This is only 2 pages of my website but you can click the link to see the full website which also includes the promo video.

I previously just said how I felt like I have learnt an awful lot with the software as before I had not a clue about it. Its easier to use for a designer person point of view, to be able to just place an image and not have to code a thousand different things just to get it on the right side so that half is great. Researching ideas for a website to appeal towards parents who will be the main target audience for the app is sightly harder.

Some websites I found and thought were useful for me to help understand what my target audience would be interested in.

Websites that gave me inspiration….



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