My Logo

So after needing to create a logo for my work, it took me a long time to think of something which can relate to me.

I mentioned before in a different post about the idea of multicoloured circles, I feel like the circles that constantly go round can relate to me because circles never stop going round and things in my life just keep going whether you have an issue you keep going like a circle. The idea of having different colours was so that it makes it a little more colourful and unique.


These are the ideas are started to create

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they are all a little different, the first two have the similar circle around it and the final one is just simply my name with some extra long lines either between the letters or attached. I feel that the last one is the weakest one and will not use it as I wanted to create something different like me and found it to boring, but my favourite one is the first one.

I started to look at the first one a little closer and changed a few thanks to make it professional and more me.

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This is what I came up with, I took away my whole name and just had my initials and still kept the circles and in the middle is a different type of circle that has parts failing of it.

This is my final finish piece for my logo, I like the fact I kept to my first initial idea and its simple but effective with it having colours and not having to put my whole name on it for people to know its mine.

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